Static Stress Analysis
Static Stress Analysis complying international codes and standards viz. ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.4, B31.8, CSA Z662, AS-2885, ISO14692. Analysis of critical systems like Column re-boiler, Air Fin Coolers, Pumps, Turbine, Compressors, Heaters, Jacked Piping etc.
Dynamic Stress Analysis
Transient Analysis viz. Modal Analysis, Time History, Response Spectrum, Harmonic Analysis. Solution to Surge (Water hammer), Slug (two phase flow) , Seismic force, Relief Valve discharge to solve various site trouble shooting problems or future problems. The analysis simulates and speculates the pipe behavior and helps mitigating the vibration problems.
GRE Pipe Stress Analysis
Use of GRE / FRP pipe is increasing rapidly for most of the existing and new pipelines with corrosive services, acidic service. GRE / FRP pipe behavior is not similar to metallic pipe and hence experienced engineer is required to analyze GRE pipes. We perform GRE Pipe thickness calculations, analysis as per ISO 14692, UKOOA. Checking of analysis performed by vendor etc. Also support of GRE pipe to be designed using FEA. We provide complete GRE/ FRP pipe engineering.
Composite Analysis
A Pipe and Structure together analysis to get actual stiffness and response to the static and dynamic loads. Composite analysis is more realistic in evaluating vibration problems near to rotating equipment like turbine, compressors, pumps.
Off-shore / FPSO Pipe Stress Analysis
Stress Analysis of Piping running on off-shore platforms, bridges & FPSO piping where various permutations and combinations of two different structure is required to be analyzed. Also analysis of Blast loads, vortex shading, wind, wave, fatigue analysis etc. needs to be carefully analyzed.
We provide services such as Preparation of Pipeline alignment sheets, station approach drawings, specifications, Stress analysis, surge analysis, pipeline calculations etc.
Pipeline Calculations
Engineering calculations like Pipe wall thickness, Road crossing, Upheaval buckling, buoyancy, Penetration, radiation contour, rail crossings, seismic wave propagation etc.
Located in Calgary Alberta, We offer our Piping Engineering Services, Skid Design Services, Pipeline Engineering Services and Structural Engineering Services across Canada. To get our Piping Stress Analysis Services, please contact our Engineering company.
Our professional piping stress engineers have a bachelor's and Masters degree in mechanical / structural engineering and province licence (P.Eng.) in Alberta, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and Ontario. We review, validate, certify and stamp piping and structural packages. Also check Industries We Serve.