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Flange Standards

Flange Standards

Flange Standards There are a variety of standards used in the design and selection of flanges. The following codes and standards relate to pipe flanges:

ASME Codes and Standards

ASME B16.1 --> Cast Iron Flanges and Flanged Fittings ASME B16.5 --> Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings ASME B16.24 --> Bronze Flanges and Fittings–150 and 300 Classes ASME B16.42 --> Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings–150 and 300 Classes ASME B16.47 --> Large Diameter Steel Flanges

Section VIII

Division 1 --> Pressure Vessels Appendix 3 --> Mandatory Rules for Bolted Flange Connections

ANSI/AWWA Standards

C- --> 1/A21.15 --> Flanged C.I. Pipe with Threaded Flanges C-207 --> Steel Pipe Flanges

API Specifications

Spec 6A-96 --> Specification for Wellhead and Christ- mas Tree Equipment

The two most commonly used flange standards for process and utilities pipework are ASME B16.5 and BS 1560 (British Standards). API 6A (American Petroleum Institute) specifies flanges for wellhead and Christmas tree equipment. Less common flange standards which may be encountered are flanges for metric or DIN standards. #Little_PEng


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